Thursday, May 17, 2007

Lack of sleep does some weird things to you

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Rockmaster - 4 days time

Okay. training at this period should be coming to somesort of a standstill? i don't know. Its because of rockmaster that there's no time to train for rockmaster. anyway, training now is purely mental, to get ur strength up and endurance up at this point of time is.. well, not gonna help much. So guys, if you're free on thurs, fri.. friday especially, go help get the gym ready for the big day 12th may.

If you see 2 chinese men holding hands & you call em "gays", what do you call 10 Chinese men holding hands?

Monday, May 7, 2007

I bought GIGABITE chalk.

Go climb, get a life, stop living like the horrific dead. i don't expect too much.
and if you wana sign up for rockmaster 07 do it soon.
i shall go sleep and wake up awake tomorrow feeling refreshed, like as though that will happen, waking up feeling awake. haha. i have very bad waking-up-and-be-on-time-discipline. seriously, its time for a change, even if its a small one to start with.